Course Content
Subtitle Guide – Hướng dẫn thêm phụ đề
18 – Thank You
Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms
About Lesson

When we build data structures from scratch in this course, we will be using the Javascript’s Class keyword to create these data structures. I have picked this way of doing things since it would be most familiar with most languages. If you would like to be a little bit more familiar with classes and how to create them, I have added an extra video from one of my other courses: The Complete Web Developer: Zero to Mastery which goes over this topic in the next lecture.

If you are already familiar with this topic you can skip over to the Implementing An Array video.

Ps, throughout the course I use varlet, and const to declare variables. It is not important that you understand the differences between them for this course, but if you are curious, I recommend reading this: