Course Content
Subtitle Guide – Hướng dẫn thêm phụ đề
21 – Roundup & Next Steps
Vue – The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API)
About Lesson

In the last lecture, we sent a POST request to a REST API.

What is that? A POST request? And a REST API?

There are different “kinds” of Http requests you could say – defined by the method (POSTGETDELETE, …) you attach to them (via the “method” you define on an outgoing request).

And the server to which you’re sending those requests may then react in which ever way it is configured to react to incoming requests with different methods.

It may store data in a database for an incoming POST request, it may fetch data for a GET request.

Typically, servers are built to work as a “REST API” – that means they have clearly defined “endpoints” (URL + Http method combinations) for which they do different things.

You can learn more about REST APIs (and how to build your own one!) with this free series:

Also make sure you understand, in general, how the web works