Hi, use this guide to set up your development environment for this course.
Our Softwares Recommendations
1. Use the latest version of Java (a minimum of 17 is required for this course)
2. Use the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA IDE for Spring boot project development
3. Use the latest version (8+) of MySQL database
4. Use the latest version of the Postman client to test the REST APIs
Installing Java JDK 17+
Windows 10 – https://youtu.be/VS05xTt1BlU
Windows 11 – https://youtu.be/krGadRGdESQ
Mac – https://youtu.be/U3kTdMPlgsY
Linux – https://youtu.be/mHvFpyHK97A
Installing IntelliJ IDEA – IntelliJ Community (FREE) Edition
Windows 10 – https://youtu.be/iTo9gYMmOYk
Windows 11 – https://youtu.be/JRgfwwLqVSs
For Mac, follow two simple steps to Install IntelliJ IDEA:
2. Mount the image and drag the IntelliJ IDEA app to the Applications folder.
Run the IntelliJ IDEA app from the Applications directory, Launchpad, or Spotlight.
Read more at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/installation-guide.html
The Lombok comes with IntelliJ IDEA so you don’t have to install it.
Installing MySQL Server 8 and MySQL Workbench on Windows 10
Windows 10 – https://youtu.be/YbOLy2LtsjM
Windows 11 – https://youtu.be/VLs7PxKtAlw
For Mac, check out this link: How to install MySQL 8 Server’s latest version on MAC OS
Let me know If you have any queries related to setting up the development environment.