Course Content
Subtitle Guide – Hướng dẫn thêm phụ đề
Building Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud
About Lesson

We will be creating a lot of microservices so please refer below ports mapping (microservice applications with their ports):

  • For the API-Gateway application, use the 9191 port.

  • For the Department-Service application, use the 8080 port and for its instance, use port 8082

  • For the Employee-Service application, use the 8081 port.

  • For the Config-Server application, use the 8888 port.

  • For the Service-Registry application, use the 8761 port.

  • For the Organization-Service application, use the 8083 port.

  • For the React-Frontend application, use the 3000 port.

  • Zipkin Server uses the default port 9411

Here is the screenshot image for your reference. Download and use it on your machine.